Sebastien Roch and Marcus Roper Awarded Sloan Research Fellowships

Sebastien Roch
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has awarded UCLA Mathematics Assistant Professors Sebastien Roch and Marcus Roper 2012 Sloan Research Fellowships in mathematics. Established in 1955, the two-year fellowships are given to early career scientists and scholars whose achievements and potential identify them as the next generation of scientific leaders. Roch, who joined UCLA Math in 2009, works at the intersection of applied probability, mathematical statistics and theoretical computer science, with an emphasis on applications in bioinformatics. His research uses stochastic modeling and probabilistic analysis to develop new methods for solving large-scale statistical and computational problems, for instance, in evolutionary genomics. Roper joined the department's applied mathematics group last year and focuses on mathematical modeling, fluid dynamics, and physical biology and asymptotic methods. He is especially interested in studying the physical constraints on organisms that must disperse, grow or propel themselves in challenging physical environments, including how spores disperse, bacteria spread, and how fungi shuttle nuclei around during growth. Roch and Roper are two of six UCLA 2012 Sloan Research fellows.

Click Here for more on the fellowship and a list of recipients

Click Here for more on Sebastien Roch's research

Click Here for more on Marcus Roper's research

Marcus Roper