Web Information for UCLA Math Class Pages

The University charges an Instructional Enhancement Initiative (IEI) fee to students for all undergraduate Letters & Science courses. It is required, at a minimum, that we must set up on the Web, information sheets for each undergraduate course and implement "virtual office hours." The Department will establish a Web page for every section of every undergraduate course. This Web page will give students access to various kinds of information (to be submitted by instructors) which will be assessible by Web links.

Submitting your class information for the Web

Options for placing your class documents on the Web:
  1. Make your own browser-readable files and either:
      • Put all files in your home directory. If you intend to maintain your class website yourself and would like to have the files in your home directory, follow these instructions for setting up the direct ory.
      • Put files in the "classes" directory. If you would like som e assistance with your class website (for example, setting up links) and/or do not want to keep the files in your home directory, follow these instructions.
  2. Email the material to the webmaster@math.ucla.edu.
    Options for emailing the documents:
    • Cut and paste the text into the body of your email message.
    • Attach an ascii file: text, HTML, or TeX file.
    • If you used a specific word processing program (i.e. MS Word or WordPerfect), attach the document in your email message. You need to use an email client such as Eudora Light or Pine that can properly encode these attachments.
    • If you composed your document using TeX, cut and paste the TeX into the body of your email message. Be sure to specify what type of TeX you are using: plain TeX, LaTeX, SliTeX, AMSTeX, LaTeX2e, MathTeX.
    • If you are using a special TeX package such as Scientific Word, please attach the .dvi file to your email message.
  3. Submit a hardcopy or diskette to the word processing office.

Other useful instructions: