Putting your Home Page on the Web
Creating Your Home Page

First, you'll have to create a home page. Web documents are written in Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML. If you don't know HTML, you should read http://www.w3schools.com/html

Once you're familiar with HTML, you can use your favorite editor to create hypertext documents (vi, emacs/gemacs, or pico).

Publishing Your Home Page

Once you've created your home page, use the following steps to put your page on the World Wide Web:

  1. Make your home directory searchable

    Web browsers must have permission to search your directory for your public directory in order to publish your home page. This does not give anyone the ability to read your files.

      myhost.1> cd
      myhost.2> chmod go+x .

  2. Create a public_html directory

    Create a directory in your home directory called public_html, and make it world-readable:

      myhost.3> mkdir public_html
      myhost.4> chmod 755 public_html

  3. Put your home page in the public_html directory as "index.html"

    For example, if the home page you created was in your home directory with the name "homepage.html", you would do the following:

      myhost.5> mv homepage.html public_html
      myhost.6> cd public_html
      myhost.7> mv homepage.html index.html

    The name "index.html" is special to web broswers. When a URL specifies a directory instead of a file, Web browsers look in that directory for a file called "index.html" and displays it. This allows people to see your home page by opening the URL "http://www.math.ucla.edu/~username".

  4. Make your home page world-readable

    Do the following:

      myhost.8> chmod 644 index.html

That's it. Your home page is now on the Web, and anyone who knows your login ID can see it. Your home page will automatically be added to a list of home pages (available from the Math Home Page) within the next 24 hours. If you would like your home page on the list sooner, see a consultant in MS 6121 during consulting hours.


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